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In honour of International Women’s Day, the CHINA Africa Economic and Culture Exchange Research Centre (CAECERC) gathered in Mbare with a group of teen mothers and vulnerable girls where they interacted with influential women speakers from different sectors such as arts and the corporate world to encourage the young girls to take up their space in the community. Running under the theme, “Breaking the bias” the ladies were able to interact, sharing ideas and their life stories as well as encoura ging each other to be better people in the society. After the speeches the girls had training on how to make detergents as a way of empowering them to take care of their children and families. Speaking on the sidelines of the event, CAECERC Projects Manager for Social Welfare and Community Development, Rudo Manomano said as an organisation they believe women empowerment is important in achieving better societies. “Women’s empowerment is an important aspect in the quest to achieve gender equality and it increases women’s access to opportunities and resources and decision making powers in their own lives and outside in the world,” she said “I have seen women assuming roles of authority at private and public institutions. There are a lot of female judges and government ministers which show that women can do it. It’s high time we take up space and community, national and international levels because women are forces to reckon with. I believe women are more organised and particular about details,” added Manomano. Drawing on their international experiences, the influential women emphasized how poverty and crises affect women and girls. Deborah Kabongo, a performing artist who worked in China encouraged women to nurture their talents and to stop the habit of looking down on the arts as it is an equally important industry. Kabongo also encouraged the government to support women in the arts sector. Another speaker at the event, Ashleigh Chembe, a young entrepreneur pointed out that one does not always need huge capital to start a business. She is a holder of a Masters in International relations and a Project Manager for a local company. “The mindset of thinking that you need big amounts of money has discouraged so many women from venturing into businesses. Even though you are employed, do not rest thinking you have it all, think out of the box and start your own businesses. There are so many opportunities out there and as women let grab them without looking down on ourselves,” said Chembe. Nancy Tasarirei who is a renowned culinary arts and Events organiser encouraged the ladies that as long as they have hands they can become anything they want in life. “It is high time ladies stop being dependent on someone. Be your own boss and it’s only you responsible for writing your own story. Let your story be inspirational to other women out there. Let’s choose to challenge the conventional beliefs that men are superior. Let’s go out there and do our best,” said Tasarirei. International Women’s Day – celebrated annually on March 8 – is a day that commemorates the social, political and economic achievements of women. Women in different parts of the world use this day to come together to celebrate one another and rally for equal treatment and representation.